James Kenton vs The State of Tennessee & Chadwick Jackson

The Visionary: How James Kenton Continues to Inspire Change in Tennessee

Before James Kenton saw the festering underbelly of Tennessee’s law enforcement and prosecution, he was an independent contractor with a spotless record. While he still maintains this record, his reputation took a hit due to the negative press that remains on the internet to this day.

The wrongful accusations against James Kenton never advanced to convictions, but only some are as lucky.

The Tennessee roofer knows this all too well and refuses to let it continue.

James Kenton vs. The State of Tennessee and Chadwick Jackson

At first glance, it may seem like Kenton is suing the state for his benefit. However, because the damage inflicted on his life and livelihood is beyond compensation, we advise you to look closely at the charges.

One of the counts filed against the state is a civil conspiracy. The lawsuit accuses the lead detective, William Decker Thorowgood, and the District Attorney of conspiring to commit unlawful acts, such as torturous interference with business relationships, defamation, and stopping him from earning a living.

Since these individuals must protect the rights of civilians, it’s worrying, if not alarming, that they are doing quite the opposite. Kenton has taken the first step towards calling out their actions through this lawsuit.

The Petition to End Police Corruption

Apart from the lawsuit, Kenton petitioned to end police corruption in Nashville. His actions are motivated by the recently leaked video showing Detective Thorowgood assaulting a man he suspected of littering.

According to the man in the video, he was walking down the road with his family when they mistakenly dropped some candy. Detective Thorowgood misinterpreted this as littering and started using excessive force on the man in front of his daughter.

Kenton’s petition could make those in power see the crimes the Nashville police get away with every day in a more serious light.

Chadwick Jackson’s Ethical Violations

Assistant District Attorney Chadwick Jackson works under District Attorney Funk. You may know the latter because his office is under investigation for illegal wiretapping. Kenton expected nothing different from someone whose employee represents a complainant as if he’s his attorney despite being a prosecutor.

Kenton has repeatedly called out ADA Jackson’s ethical violations on his social media platform, including his latest attempt at prosecuting a case in which he’s a defendant. He will continue his fight against the latest slew of wrongful accusations against him.

Follow Kenton as he files a motion against the state for a complete response to his discovery request.

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